
Electricity · 24日 6月 2020
Studio J was visited by our Audio Angel again. Out of the kindness of his heart, he has made it his mission to make Studio J “the best sounding studio in Japan”. Sounds like a good idea to me. This visit, he spent the entire day, covering everything from new breakers and power outlets to shielding on the mic preamps and cables. He started at the breaker box and replaced two of the breakers, one of them 200 volts.
Electricity · 24日 6月 2020
We received another package from the Audio Angel today. A firewire cable specially designed for audio applications. If you remember from the Angels first visit, he wrapped the special white shielding material around the standard issue firewire cable that connected the Mac to the Konnect 24 audio interface. It made a substantial difference in the sound quality and opened my eyes to the fact that data cables also have an affect on the sound. I first listened to a new song that I recorded last...

Electricity · 24日 6月 2020
オーディオ天使はまたスタジオに来ました。これで3回目になります。最初の作業はパワードのモニタースピーカー用に用意した専用コンセントの取り付けでした。モニターのアンプはピークを再生する時には急に大量な電流が必要になるので, 特殊フィルターコンデンサーを二個取り付けた様です。その後はKonnekt...
Electricity · 24日 6月 2020
The Audio Angel came to Studio J again, his third visit. His first job was to add a dedicated outlet with dual filter capacitors designed specifically for the sudden power surge requirements of themonitor speakers and another additional outlet. After that, he pulled out a couple of heavy capacitors that he was going to add to the power line of the audio interface. Adding capacitors to thepower line also decreases noise.

Electricity · 24日 6月 2020
“On the fifth day of Christmas my Audio Angel sent to me… 5 red anodized power cables!”
Electricity · 24日 6月 2020
(Originally Post October 2010) Studio J was visited by an Angel yesterday… an Audio Angel.n A very good friend of mine, who has been in the pro and high-end audio business for many years, stopped by for a visit yesterday. I first met him when I was designing the multimedia studio at Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages in the mid-nineties. He was on his way to Mito to see a client and wanted to stop by and “make Studio J sound better”. I have been very, very happy with the sound of Studio...